Brian W's last decade and a half
Help us campaign today for a better tomorrow for our nation and the world
As read by US Congress
Help us campaign today for a better tomorrow for our nation and the world
As read by US Congress
Please help us in contacting Congress and the Administration regarding this violation of the 4th Amendment protection against illegal government seizures that "shocks the conscience", 5th Amendment Procedural Due Process right, 5th Amendment Substantive Due Process fundamental right of privacy, 13th Amendment prohibition against this form of modern slavery and 14th Amendment Equal Protection violation even if under a rational basis review as reverse incorporated into the Due Process clause of the 5th Amendment against the federal government. Please ensure this federal government abuse does not exist for our children.
January 20, 2021
Dear President Biden:
Congratulations on being sworn in as our 46th President earlier today.
I have great hope for your Administration. Although I did not vote for you, I have an open mind for 2024. In exchange for my vote, I must ask a favor as to have your thoughtful consideration.
President Obama and Trump chose to look the other way allowing for continued abuse.
Please contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") regarding my file concerning ongoing psychological torture by Central Intelligence Agency ("CIA") operatives at your earliest convenience since late 2007. The FBI has case information and analysis for your review.
In 2010, my father's best friend, then five term Democratic United States Congressman/ Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Dennis Moore expressed full support, but due to his Alzheimer's was unable to follow up with the Senate (please see his email below).
I have a Bipolar mood disorder that is in remission. Please see letters below and attached from Dr. Stefan Bumol and Dr. Brenda Czaban.
Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated. The chance of a normal life still provides hope. If abuse is permitted to continue the Democracy for the many will cease to exist. The CIA will continue torture whenever they believe the heat is off them. After two years of silence, the CIA earlier in 2019 resumed torture.
After outlining my situation beginning over a decade ago, I will provide for your review three proposed statutes for enactment in the United States Congress to correct this abuse. These statutes provide checks and balances on the US intelligence community (excluding the US military). These statutes further provide much needed civil liberties protections and real lasting civil liberties oversight of US intelligence field operations.
A) SN (the cause)
Please keep legal facts in this next paragraph confidential. In 2006, I started working for SN. I wrote one valuable complex claim for him in addition to mainly breach of contract cases all of which were successfully settled.
One night, SN gave me an assignment to get a client out of a settlement for Court the next morning. I stayed up late into the night and found a California statute that the court ruled on to allow our client to get out of the settlement because our client was not in court to enter into the agreement in person.
In addition to being charismatic, SN had a dark side. SN was also overly insecure about his relationship with his girlfriend and later wife whom herself was charming.
SN felt personally insulted that I rejected joining his “family.” He wanted me to take over for WSA as his second in charge. If anything went wrong I would have taken the fall.
CIA members would come and go throughout the office. One day, WS told me that SN attacked his last attorney that quit working for him and then accused him of battery. SN had WS frame him for a computer crime. The Court did not believe his victim was innocent.
Although I would stay up all night to help a client, I would not write several fraud claims for SN; the facts I will keep undisclosed. Because of what happened to my predecessor when he quit, I quit from home to avoid working on his fraud case load. SN told me that I must write two of the fraud claims for him before I would be permitted to leave. I refused. SN briefly accused me of taking a file. Weeks later my supervising attorney, WSA emailed me “I take pride in being your reference pal.”
SN said because of me he needed anxiety medication, I concurred. I left Los Angeles to come back to Colorado immediately after quitting due to SN's initiation of ground covering crews.
It is looked upon with disfavor for a law clerk to report conduct of a supervising attorney so I kept my mouth shut. However, when applying for the February 2007 bar when asked under penalty of perjury why did I leave N & Associates I wrote this below answer that explained the situation without endangering client confidentiality. I wrote:
"Had to quit because of ‘nerves’. Left quietly but took careful notes. Liked (WSA) but (had) serious questions about how the named partner (SN) handled his business. Asked me to sue a client for 7K when (immediately) before he was fired he was just asking the client to put 5K in the trust account for future expenses…"
I was told this made SN furious.
I always assumed SN would be taken down by his clients. On December 2, 2008, an illustrative 35 count Notice of Disciplinary Charges (“Notice”) was filed by several members of the Office of the Chief Trial Counsel for the State Bar of California. The Notice concerns multiple clients. When all was said and done, SN was taken off suspension and allowed to practice law in California.
B) B McCabe ("Ms. McCabe") (the effect)
Since Ms. McCabe and co-worker Melinda were discarded by their mothers as children they were dubbed founding members of club T.J. Lane.
In Fall of 2007, Ms. McCabe put an ad in craigslist where I was searching for shared rentals under the search terms “Hollywood Hills” even though his home is in Glendale. I had signed up for an online CIA clandestine service inquiry and Ms. McCabe was assigned to me.
He had a nice place and offered it at a reasonable rate. He had trained many recruits for the nanotechnology program. His deck's views were beautiful.
Once I learned of the nexus between Ms. McCabe and SN I had no interest in working with him. Working in the nanotechnology program is high risk given the legal liability. SN wanted me in a position that if anything went wrong with nano they would blame me as the figurehead in name only. With previous plans to stay a year I stayed three months with attempts to find other housing after a month.
Where SN wanted a business associate, Ms. McCabe wanted a new best friend. Ms. McCabe to his benefit was trying to save me from a worse destiny when all I was concerned with were civil liberties and professional responsibility. However, I wanted to keep working for Leland Stark in Santa Monica and later Quinn Emanuel in Los Angeles.
In December 2007 after buying me Christmas gifts he called me late on a workday to pick him and Melinda up from the airport. I did not answer his phone call and then told a female dancer my reason for ignoring his call was he was scum. When Ms. McCabe found out he was outraged. He next lobbied for a successful vote to give me the death sentence by club Los Angeles. He had dinner with Milinda, and a couple that were also in CIA to celebrate.
Soon after, Melinda told me that she had messed with the brakes of my 528i BMW. My brakes then started screeching all the way down the hill we lived on. My brakes could have been a contributing factor in the February car crash that totaled my car when I was the victim of an unrelated hit and run. The fact that a brake pad was missing was confirmed by two mechanics after the accident. Mechanics confirmed one whole front brake pad had been removed while the other one was only mildly worn. At the end of the month in January 2008, I left McCabe's home respectfully, after cleaning his home’s carpets I gave him my houseplant for his balcony.
I moved from Ms. McCabe's house to Beverly Hills Adjacent to Orange County to Downtown LA (where interference was minimal) to North Hollywood back down to Orange County. CIA was careful to not act until after they had control of a scene. When CIA would gain control of the scene ready to execute plots I would leave. A CIA agent called me reptilian.
In Beverly Hills Adjacent CIA operative Eileen stated something to the effect of that I was going to be fired because of poor performance and to admit to my boss at Quinn Emanuel that I used to smoke marijuana. Although I never smoked marijuana at work, I thought that maybe my use of such did hinder my performance. I told a partner something to the effect of, “now that I am on the right medication my performance should markedly increase.” However, after being commended on my work on a financial/securities matter, my supervisor gave me the obvious advice, “to never send an email like that to a partner especially when he had never thought there was anything wrong with your performance.” Eileen had a dinner to celebrate her work.
In Orange County, CIA operative Adam tried to teach me to look the other way. However, through practice and in thought I refused. Any small chance of being useful to someone and getting out of my death sentence evaporated.
Further disturbing was the fact that on her deathbed CIA operatives chipped my grandmother Judy Schiffman and had her participate in scenes to mock her. The CIA was in control of the scene. Soon after the occurrence I fled for my life out of Orange County for home in Colorado leaving my disabled 528i BMW and most clothing immediately after work for attorney Richard Fleming on a Friday.
C) Ground Tactics
“Staging a scene:" having CIA operatives and members of the general public harass one by either unveiling intimate details from the victim’s past (uncovered through CIA’s background inquiry). Additionally, when CIA gives misinformation to the general public in order to manipulate them into either harassing, obstructing or isolating the subject.
“Scenes” are geared to wear down the subject. If subjects seek help they are assured either a psychosis or worse schizophrenia diagnosis.
Unauthorized Background Investigation: use distorted versions of confidential past experiences procured from nanotechnology to induce antipathy, mistrust and sometimes manufacture legal liability against CIA victims.
D) State secrets and drinking
Although CIA had been listening to me for a while via CIA nanotechnology at the request of SN, CIA was the first to communicate to me late one night after drinking to blackout in late 2007. However, given my core moral background, I disregarded CIA repeated suggestions to commit heinous criminal acts. My conduct remained legal with the exception of getting intoxicated and driving.
Another night after drinking also in the final months of 2007, Ms. McCabe told me about the CIA nanotechnology program. He told me they had the capacity to read thoughts and view what the subject is looking at in real time. This allows the CIA to communicate with operatives without a trace. He even told me CIA was working on technology with the capacity to erase human memory. After his misstep of boozing and telling state secrets, Ms. McCabe refused to ever speak any more on the subject.
It looks like mind reading technology has publicly existed for almost a year. This is an interesting article in the Scientific American (Einstein contributed to Scientific American) I found in my Facebook news feed from a University Professor's post. The article is called "Mind Reading and Mind Control Technologies Are Coming, We need to figure out the ethical implications before they arrive." by R. Douglas Fields on March 10, 2020. The article states:
"Neuroscientist Marcel Just and colleagues at Carnegie Mellon University are using fMRI brain imaging to decipher what a person is thinking. By using machine learning to analyze complex patterns of activity in a person’s brain when they think of a specific number or object, read a sentence, experience a particular emotion or learn a new type of information, the researchers can read minds and know the person’s specific thoughts and emotions. “Nothing is more private than a thought,” Just says, but that privacy is no longer sacrosanct."
Here is a link to the article https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/mind-reading-and-mind-control-technologies-are-coming/?fbclid=IwAR0mzpwOyjfjKn56FkZjNPrIvO903R0g37o5RgD9chplF8Iu_Oyp4u5lH8w
From early 2008 to mid-2008 nanotechnology was used to disrupt me on occasion while working at Quinn Emanuel and later with Fleming. I just recollected myself and kept working. Both employers gave excellent and greatly appreciated written recommendations. When my work was audited at Quinn Emanuel they found no errors.
Although a victim of various CIA disruptions prior, the first day I was tortured through nanotechnology was my first night in the hospital in the Summer of 2008 after first informing Congressman Moore of CIA abuse. Since then I have had tens of thousands of death threats including frequent mock executions of my mother. CIA mixes “false perception” between bragging about their real crimes in order to convince others that their real actions are also just "false perception."
"We occasionally tell the truth only to sell a lie." They think they are brilliant and may be at their learned crafts of manipulation and deception.
Since that first night in 2008, I have had over one thousand nights of sleep deprivation. Before doctor and case manager appointments, etc. CIA used to deprive me of sleep in an attempt to disrupt my performance. CIA also used sleep deprivation as punishment when good news was received. Recently, sleep deprivation has been used relatively infrequently.
E) Slavery (“it better work or die”)
As told many times CIA is “a caste system.” Because I rejected employment with Ms. McCabe, I was to live the rest of my life, however short that may be, as a slave or dog.
After a religious experience on Newport Beach pier before my grandmother’s death, CIA operatives would often state things similar to: “David can’t keep Goliath off forever.”
In Denver, Summer of 2008, CIA introduced me to another slave whose unborn child was killed to make him subservient. Other stories of injustice were told to me so that I would not feel sorry for myself regarding my grandmother's treatment.
In an attempt to avoid torture and ground crew interference, I tried applying to be a CIA analyst as a suitable alternative to working for the clandestine services. All I would agree to is the possibility of an interview.
In Summer of 2008, realizing CIA was not going to leave me alone, I first contacted in desperation my father’s best friend Congressman Denise Moore, whom I was scheduled to intern for in the Fall. Concerned for my welfare and distressed, Congressman Moore writes an email to me stating that I should check myself into a mental institution.
When police came to the welfare check I was asked about the emails to the Congressman. I asked to talk to the senior police officer (“S”) in private. Then he asked me if I believe that I have nanochips in my head and I replied, “it is possible.” S then asked “Why are you making this your concern” and I said “civil liberties.” However, for the most part the Denver Police Department has been accommodating in part due to FBI influence.
F) FBI Letter
On May 11, 2009, Supervisory Special Agent Matthew J. McPhillips after accepting months of hand delivered documents to his office when responding to his information request wrote:
"Dear (Brian W):
This is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence and documentation provided to this office. Thank you for taking the time to provide information to the FBI. After carefully reviewing the information you provided, I have determined that there is no basis upon which to initiate a federal criminal investigation by the FBI.
While this office will not conduct any information based upon the information you have provided, we will retain these documents for future reference. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Sincerely yours,
James H. Davis, Special Agent in Charge
By: Matthew J, McPhillips, Supervisory Special Agent."
See attached.
G) Heart Attack (fail-safe)
Through long term elevation of heart rate by CIA, they seek to give me a heart attack as stated. Then, CIA will blame it on something else. In 2009, Denver Health tested my heart and it was healthy. Since then, I have developed a heart condition as identified by Denver Health.
H) Medical History
Attached is the letter my Stanford University School of Medicine educated doctor gave the Colorado bar with my diagnosis on September 3, 2014. The letter states:
"Mr. (Brian W.) has been a client at the Mental Health Center of Denver since July 2008. He has been under my direct care since April 2013. He carries a diagnosis of Bipolar Mood Disorder, currently in remission. I prescribe him two mood stabilizers (Invega and lithium) an anxiety medication (hydroxyzine) and a sleep medication (trazodone). None of these medications is a controlled substance. His laboratory studies indicate he takes his medications as prescribed. I meet with him every one to two months for medication review. He is also in contact with his case manager, Mr. William Janicki, on a weekly basis.
Mr. (W) is highly engaged in treatment and his prognosis for sustained remission on his current regime is excellent."
Please see the attached letter.
I) Current Medical Diagnosis
On August 18th, 2020, Dr. Stefan Bumol wrote a letter for Senator Bennet of Colorado in the same form as the Czaban letter:
“To Whom It May Concern:
Mr. (Brian W.) has been a client at the Mental Health Center of Denver since July 2008. He has been under my direct care since October 2019. He carries a diagnosis of bipolar mood disorder, currently in remission. I currently prescribe him three mood stabilizers (paliperidone, quetiapine, lithium) and an antidepressant (escitalopram) for this condition. He has been adherent to treatment recommendations including taking medications. I meet with him approximately every two months for medication review. He is also in contact with his therapist Lou Brady on a regular basis.
Mr. (W) is actively engaged in his treatment and his prognosis for sustained remission on his current medication regimen is good.
Stefan Bumol, M.D.
Staff Psychiatrist
Adult Recovery Center
Please see the attached letter.
J) Water Torture
For over a decade, the CIA has used field nanotechnology to administer mock executions of my family members in addition to other more sinister truths.
If the CIA was administering water torture, CIA officials would claim, “it’s just water.” “Members of the CIA shower every day, how could that be torture?” And, you would believe them.
CIA nanotechnology torture is worse than water torture. CIA officials claim that, “how could this be torture, members of the CIA receive communications via nanotechnology every day for life saving and training purposes?” However, in my case, there is no consent given and the subject matter and timing of the communications are polar opposites.
Officials at the CIA claim, “what is the problem with us making him crazy.” Experiments on the mentally ill have been tolerated without prosecution for decades. However, making a man with bipolar mood disorder symptoms experience schizophrenic symptoms, is like making a man with glasses blind. It’s torture.
The Obama and Trump Administrations’ willfully ignoring this problem has caused so much continued pain to US citizens. When will a US President transfer auditing and control of the CIA nanotechnology program to the FBI so Americans stop getting treated like al qaeda?
K) The Queen (Secretary Clinton)
Thanks to the United States Department of State for
2009 providing Secretary Clinton's fax for several correspondences on point.
L) The Hero (Dennis Moore)
On Christmas Day, December 25, 2010, Ex-District Attorney, 5 term Congressman Dennis Moore https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Moore_(politician) wrote: "Keep me posted and let me know if I can help with the Senators! I'll help any way I can." Moore was Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Financial Services.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Moore, Dennis <DDMoore@mail.house.gov>
Date: Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas!!!
To: "btwengler@gmail.com" <btwengler@gmail.com>
Merry Christmas, Brian! Hope it was a good one.
Keep me posted and let me know if I can help with the Senators! I'll help any way I can.
Please tell your Mom hi for me!
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
----- Original Message -----
From: <btwengler@gmail.com>
To: Moore, Dennis
Sent: Sat Dec 25 17:00:15 2010
Subject: Merry Christmas!!!
Hi Dennis:
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I have been told I should receive feedback from several Senator
offices next week. I will keep you updated.
Warm Regards,
M) Moral Imperative
The first part of the moral imperative is not engaging in violations of US law with Agency members.
The second part of the moral imperative was not consenting despite being brainwashed and tortured. I am the only known one that has been capable of holding this honor. For most it is impossible not to consent to avoid pain.
I have never lied or been misleading on any correspondences to the FBI or to Congress. I will gladly take a lie detector test to corroborate any correspondence given to the FBI or Congress.
N) Dreams
Since 2008, the CIA has been interrupting my dreams with "thought insertion" in an attempt to manipulate dreams. Luckily, I am now able to differentiate what I am dreaming from the "thought insertion" and just wake up angry or humiliated and degraded. However, when CIA first started "dream insertion" in winter 2007/2008 in Los Angeles it was harder to detect not wanting to believe that it was occurring. In addition, in spring 2008 it was used to try to get me to stay in Orange County after the chipping of my grandmother on her deathbed.
Luckily, no other relatives have ever heard CIA originated or any other type of voice.
Similar to me never being diagnosed Schizophrenic nor heard any type of voice prior to involvement with the CIA in 2007 (even on sporadic recreational drug use), no other relative of mine has ever been diagnosed as Schizophrenic nor heard any type of voice. Most of my relatives have been diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression and a couple cases of Bipolar Disorder.
What is the point of CIA's wanting to manipulate dreams? Is it strictly to anger or humiliate and degrade, or is it at times used for more sinister applications as is the case in Orange County and Los Angeles circa 2008.
O) Why Intervene?
For CIA’s taking away free will that Jesus died on the cross for.
P) Joe (team Colorado):
Ground crews have largely stopped one year after returning to Colorado in 2008. Family in Colorado has been left alone. However, the weather can change in Colorado.
Q) Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Since, 2010, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has been made aware of my circumstances. When I informed the Senators of communications from CIA officers stating that my mother was going through similar turmoil to me and being serially raped by CIA operatives (both of which were not true), Senator McCain sent the below letter dated March 19, 2012:
"Dear (Brian W):
Thank you for contacting my office regarding your mother.
Due to provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, all Federal agencies are prohibited from releasing any information regarding an individual without that individual's written consent. This protection means that I am unable to help until I have something in writing from the person concerned, or the person's legal guardian, to show that I am authorized to check in to this matter.
John McCain, United States Senator."
See attached.
Since, the above, mock torture, and fear of execution and rape of my mother and other close family and friends was brought to the attention of the FBI and Senate Select Committee on Intelligence ("SSCI"), it has stopped. Since over one thousand of nights of sleep deprivation have been brought to the attention of the FBI and SSCI, they have become infrequent. Since dream insertion has been brought to the attention of the FBI and SSCI, it has stopped. It is our responsibility that the below legislation get enacted to make these recent changes permanent.
The CIA has and will revert to more severe behavior. It is up to us to ensure that the CIA is not given that opportunity.
R) Sexual Harassment
One aspect missing from my prior record is the never-ending sexual harassment I have endured for over a decade. The CIA repeatedly calls me their "stripper" and destroys intimacy making me prefer not to date at all rather than expose a loved one. A past girlfriend was nick named “hungry hippo” after performing oral sex.
My only girlfriends now are in my dreams. It remains a dream to be able to honor a girlfriend just before God.
S) Colorado Bar
Prior to 2008, I took the bar twice; really close the second time.
In July 2014, I took the test a third and final time. Although I was left alone for my failed bar attempt, I was constantly harassed studying for the bar making me unable to absorb the material. Without passing the bar, I am unable to practice in a profession that I am highly recommended for.
T) Currently
My dignity continues to be raped. Recently I have been referred to as their "property" and their "experiment."
For years the CIA has been communicating to me while I am driving. It is easy to decipher intent similar to taking my brake pad off my car a decade ago in Los Angeles.
CIA seems obsessed with torturing me until I cease to exist.
Trump years though have been much less severe than the Obama years of over a thousand days of sleep deprivation. Faith in God and eternal justice got me through painful year-after-year. However, of recent, there has been more frequent application of sleep deprivation from non-use for years.
With over a decade of torture permitted, my fear seems to be my reality that I will live my last moments as promised as a slave.
U) Conclusion
Intelligence reform is necessary and if needed there are fifteen other apt. intelligence agencies with a history of playing by the rules that can fill the void. Valuable resources need to be preserved for our nation's defense.
V) Proposed Statutes
Please enact the following three statutes for enactment in the United States Congress for the CIA:
The FBI has exclusive control of ALL nanotechnology used by US citizens. In support of the above mentioned provision, the FBI has total authority to review ANY US federal government related document or electronic system.
*The U.S. military is exempt from this statute
Second administrative statute:
The FBI has exclusive control of ALL CIA technology and ALL recorded evidence (even that of past use). In support of the above mentioned provision, the FBI has total authority to review ANY CIA related document or electronic system.
Separate criminal statute:
It is a crime of 2-30 years in federal prison for every one second to 24 hour period of continued use of nanotechnology on a US citizen by a US citizen or resident not lawfully authorized by the FBI. It is a crime of 2-30 years in federal prison for any US citizen or resident to solicit, view or possess a nanotechnology recording of US citizens not lawfully authorized by the FBI.
*The US military is exempt from this statute.
W) Hope in GOD
Please get the above detailed statutes passed in Congress. Your courage is necessary. The danger is that if real oversight is not implemented the problem can become so big that even if people know about it they will be powerless to do anything about it. I was told by several CIA operatives that we have an oligarchy, I don't believe them.
"Man will be what he is born to be: free and independent." -John F. Kennedy
Your time and consideration are greatly appreciated. Please keep me apprised of any resolution.
Thank you and GOD Bless..
Sincerely Yours,
(Brian W.) JD.
Dean's Scholar SMU, Dedman School of Law (“01-04”)
Denver, Colorado 80218
**See attached information on contact page.**
I will improve our children's future to ensure my reality is not theirs,
Help me get this proposed legislation enacted into law! Please, reach out and get involved!
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"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." ~ Thomas Jefferson
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